Posts Tagged ‘ thought ’


PDOY image copyright Karissa Cole 2013

It just occurred to me: the ratio of time I spend looking at creative things to the time I spend actually pursuing creative things is incredibly skewed. Seriously. I spend way too much time on Pinterest saying “I could do that!” and far too little time actually doing anything. Actually, it’s a bit laughable. But I try to chalk all that time up to creating a to-do list and deriving inspiration. Of course, there are so many things I’ve got to do already. My to-do list is pretty staggering these days.

As part of my ongoing endeavor to be more creative, I’m smack-dab in the middle of a super secret art project as we speak. Well, we’re not speaking. And technically I’m typing at this exact moment. But you get my meaning. Hopefully..

Anyway. I was doing some work with this particular project when I sort of tumbled into another one. Just a little thing. For some reason I started thinking, whatever is to be possible in our lives depends almost entirely on what we’re willing to do. Sometimes things only seem impossible because we’re looking at them from too far away. You’ve got to move closer to what you want, take those steps, and then, I think, you’ll find it’s no longer impossible. Limits be damned; nothing should stop you from at least trying.

That was my little thought detour of the day.

Of course, I rode on this train of thought on an empty stomach, and it is highly possible that once I eat lunch I’ll realize I was making no sense whatsoever. We’ll see.

Love, imagine, create, scrap, live.

Jee's Studio

Passionnée de scrapbooking, retrouvez ici mes créations ;)

Doodle Addicted

All drawings © Heidi Denney unless otherwise noted

Watercolor Journal

... a place for people with a passion for art

The Poetic Monster

Just a Few Words From a Shy Beast

L&K's Creative Threads

Distinctive Children's Clothing and More


Sweet Musings with a Bitterly Sharp Wit

[ One Velvet Morning ]

Project Life Freebies, Printables & Digital Scrapbooking Templates

Awesome Wallpapers

Hand-Picked, High-Quality Widescreen Walls


art and design (and other stuff, too)

Karissa Cole Design Portfolio

I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it

Awkward Soul Designs

Knitting, Crochet & Amigurumi Patterns