Posts Tagged ‘ journal ’

Monday, July 14th, 2014

today I bring you REASONS I LOVE MY CAT:
(an excerpt from a much larger list)

• It looks like he’s wearing fluffy pants when he runs down the stairs and it’s adorable
• He is super soft and likes to (frequently) remind me of this fact by randomly shoving his head at various parts of my person
• During the summer he often melts into a puddle of complete cuteness on my bedroom floor:


I’ve found that the length my cat stretches out to on my wood floor is directly proportional to the temperature outside. It’s been pretty warm the past coupe of days. Yesterday was sweltering enough to cause my fat, fluffy spoothead to spread out on the floor all day long, shifting every few minutes to find a cooler spot. Naturally I started snapping photos and documenting.

Monday, July 14th, 2014 ea1701 2

Normal people take pictures of their kids, their family, their friends..But me? I constantly take and blog pictures of my cats. If I weren’t so distracted by the fuzzy feline cuteness I might worry about the fact that I’m already a crazy, single, cat-lady all before my twenty-fifth birthday, but, I mean, come on. HE’S SO CUTE.


My Week in Review

In hindsight I realize that deciding to make a full week’s worth of posts all in one was not my brightest idea ever..It’s not my dumbest idea, but it’d be on that list somewhere.

Alrighty. So, last week marked the first official day of my summer, as far as I’m concerned; Thursday, the 15th, was the last day of work for the spring semester @ school (for me anyway).  I have to say, I am ready to greet the summer (which I do realize doesn’t actually start ’til 6/21) with open arms. Tilting my face back toward the sun, enjoying the warm air, being surrounded by lush trees and greenery is something I have discovered I quite love. Of course, it would be easier for me to enjoy the warmth and the sun if, you know, it actually was warm and sunny. But the gloomy-ish weather isn’t getting me down (much). Besides, it certainly is warm. Topped near 80° today, I think.

Anyway. I had all last week off and I set out to enjoy it. I recently bought a new camera and I’ve been fussing around with it a bit. Eventually I’m sure I’ll cave and actually read the manual. But that day is far off. For now I’m content to just press buttons and see what happens. Which is pretty much what I did all during my week off, as you shall soon see.

Saturday, last weekend, turned into a pretty nice day outside. At first it was dark and overcast in the morning, but by 3:00 it was warm and sunny (yay!). I needed to take a break from the computer junk I was working with, so I went for a walk. Naturally I took my camera:

Saturday walk by Karissa Cole 2014

And, okay, I know this next pic is only a weed, BUT I THOUGHT IT LOOKED COOL:

Wicked weed Karissa Cole photos 2014

I did, though, get the chance to try photographing some legitimate flora. During the week, I was helping my mum do some work in her (rather expansive) garden. I’m really no gardener -I can tell you what color a flower is, but that’s about the extent of my knowledge and capability when it comes to plants- so I was just there to move the gigantic bags of red mulch for her, and sneak a few quick shots of the surrounding-calming- trees and whatnot afterwards.

Tree 1 by Karissa Cole 2014Outside Niceness Karissa Cole 2014

I think it was yesterday, the clouds just looked so awesome. I tried taking some photos of the sky, but, what can I say, I’m still so amateur:

Look Up by Karissa Cole 2014

I was looking straight up, so in the photo on the right you can see a bit of telephone wire and pine tree. Ooops.

At one point, when I was at my mum’s garden, she encountered a little frog (which, I quote “scared the bejeebers” out of her). She called me over so I could try taking a few photos. It’s not something I get to see everyday. He (or she, I don’t know how you tell…) was pretty cool! While lying on the ground trying to snap shots, I found myself really wishing I had read that new camera manual…:

Frog Karissa Cole 2014 ea1701

So all these shots were just taken at my folks’ house. I’m still really excited to go on a real trip of my own, to a small state park, where I can enjoy more of this kind of thing. I was at this park once before, when I was sixteen or so. There were so many flowers of all kinds of colors and variety, winding trees like something out of a fairy tale, frogs, hummingbirds, a large lake, trails…I hope it’s all still as great as I remember. I am so looking forward to being somewhere NEW, I can’t even tell  you.

Other exploits of mine last week include shopping, hanging with some friends, and other general un-artsy things that I’d prefer to write about. I did, though, get the opportunity to use my cat as a wonderful test subject for more photography. One warm evening I caught him like this on my bed:

I LOVE THIS CAT ea1701 2014

I tell you, this is one of the most irritating (nonhuman)  creatures that I have ever encountered. Just earlier today while I was working, apparently not paying enough attention to him, he jumped onto the back of my desk chair, and started playing with my hair. And by playing I mean whacking, attacking, and licking. He also, somehow, learned how to use those big mutant paws of his to tap me on the shoulder when he wants attention. He’ll stand on this back paws, reach up, and tap my arm until I pet him. He drives me mad sometimes, BUT HE’S JUST SO CUTE. Seriously, I love this cat. But I digress.

These photos of my baby man (yes, that is what I call my cat) actually printed out pretty nice so they went right in my photo journal. Which brings me to one of the other things I’ve been doing during my week off, besides playing with my camera: SMASHING. I mentioned before that I picked up papercrafting and journaling as a hobby about a year ago. It’s a nice tactile creative outlet. I did up three new pages in my book during last week.

This one is my favorite thus far:

Summer SMASH page

In a sunny mood, I went through all the photos I’ve got just sitting around in my memory box and decided to give this one here a better home. I took this flower shot last year right around now, actually. Thought it was a nice way to help kick off my own personal first week of summer.

SO. That’s where I’m at now. I feel a bit lopsided, mainly blogging silly photo posts. I haven’t done much drawing, crocheting, or digital art lately. But I can’t seem to help it. For the most part the weather’s just been too inviting to spend the day inside toiling on the computer or whatever. Hmm. Maybe I should take a sketchbook or some yarn with me next time I go for a walk…

Who knows what this upcoming summer has in store :)

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[ One Velvet Morning ]

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