Posts Tagged ‘ nature ’


Beach 1 by Karissa Cole 2015 all rights reserved

The best part about visiting a beach in January is that no one else is stupid enough to visit a beach in January.

Beach 2  by Karissa Cole 2015 all rights reserved Beach 8

Except for this one guy, standing in the frigid water throwing his net out repeatedly. It’s roughly -11°F back home, so I know a little about being cold. But how this guy could stand in the ocean, clad in only a t-shirt and shorts, I cannot fathom.

Beach 9 by Karissa Cole 2015 all rights reserved

But whatever makes you happy :)


At the Airport

Airport sunset 5 Karissa Cole 2014

I’m in love with the colors of sunset.

Airport sunset 1 Karissa Cole 2014Airport sunset 3 Karissa Cole 2014

There’s a small airport a few miles from where I live. Its big open field is a great place to watch the sunset, which is precisely what I did yesterday. I pass this airfield on my way home from work every day and I’ve wanted to stop and watch the sunset for a while. I finally got my chance :)

Airport sunset 4 Karissa Cole 2014

Gold in the Wood

It’s. Getting. Cooooold. Not sure what it’s like in your part of the world, but here in mine winter seems to be coming up, fast. (I have mixed feelings about this.) Despite living in a winter-wonderland-prone state for my entire life, for some reason my tolerance for the cold has gone way down this past year. So I figure pretty soon I won’t be able to hit my trail after work, at least not until I am in possession of a bodysuit capable of maintaining my ideal body temperature while still flattering my relatively adorable figure.

Anyway, barring some unlikely shift in the weather that increases the outside temp by about 30 degrees, this will probably be my last real walk-the-nature-trail-and-shoot-some-pictures-0f-pretty-nature-things-just-for-fun-after-work walk, until spring rolls around.. Wow. It sounds kind of pitiful now that I actually say it..

SO. On to the photos I took:

Gold in the Wood Karissa Cole 2014 2
Gold in the Wood Karissa Cole 2014 6

I sort of lost feeling in my fingers for a little bit. (I really may need to invest in a pair of gloves soon…) I mean, in retrospect it might’ve been better if I hadn’t gone out walking after work; it turned out to be much colder than I had anticipated. And I am not okay with the whole shorter days thing yet. I underestimated how quickly it would get dark. Good thing there were streetlights…

Gold in the Wood Karissa Cole 2014 3

But I think the walk  was worth it.

Oh, also, this isn’t really a trees-and-sun-flares photography blog, honest. I just, you know…like them I guess.

Gold in the Wood Karissa Cole 2014 4
Gold in the Wood Karissa Cole 2014 5

Because they’re cool :)

le sigh

Fall photo by Karissa Cole 2014

Really love the colors of the fallen leaves. So pretty.



I’ve got a bit of a crush on lens flares.

Crush 2014 Karissa C 2Crush 2014 Karissa C 4Crush 2014 Karissa C 1

I’ve been trying to soak up as much sunshine as I can this summer. Well, not literally. I’m still as white as snow. (My coworkers don’t call me Snow White because I talk to animals. At least, that’s not the only reason.)  I just really love the summer sun, and I want it to last forever. My relationship with winter has relatively recently turned sour, and I’ve really been dreading its return. I kind of wish I could extend this season, summer, just a little longer. It’s been nice so far, it just seems to be running out too fast.

Most of my projects- digital art, crochet patterns, and the like- have been back-burnered in favor of just coasting through the summer days, trying to enjoy it while I can. I’m not quite ready to give of my summer vacation yet. And I figure since fall doesn’t officially arrive for another month I don’t have to.


all photographs copyright Karissa Cole 2014 | contact 

Lookin’ Up

Yes, this is another flower photo post. I COULDN’T HELP IT.

Lookin Up by Karissa Cole 2014

I saw these yesterday while out walking and made a beeline for ’em, camera in tow. I have discovered that I really suck at landscape photography, but I don’t do too poorly with these kind of up-close shots, I think. Guess I’m more details than big picture.

Joyful Rain

I really, really don’t like rainstorms…

Joyful Rain by Karissa Cole 2014

but I can still appreciate that they’ve got their upside.

These sweet little splashes of colors were a nice diversion from an otherwise grey day :)

I have absolutely no idea -or at least not much of one- as far as what these flowers are called. But the yellowish one, on the left there, was huge and completely gorgeous. There were only two of them that managed to survive through the incredibly brutal rain that mercilessly pounded and pummeled everything in its path all day long. But I’m really glad they made it. I didn’t even know these flowers were in bloom until I stumbled upon them today completely by accident. I was in love when I saw them. Honestly, this one yellow spurt of sunshine was probably about the size of my head. I guess I should’ve done a longshot or something for a size comparison. But, then, my photographic skills aren’t nearly refined enough to even capture little upclose goodness, let alone full shots. Still, I’m pretty please to have captured a look at these lovelies. I can save them to look back at whenever I may need.



School’s Out

Sometime last week I saw some fair, new flowers while out and about and vowed I’d bring my camera with me next time I was in the area…..Naturally, I completely forgot to bring said camera when I went out this morning. I can recite to you the first couple dozen digits of pi, but do you think I’d be able to remember to pack my camera for once? Of course not. That would be too practical.

Sarcasm aside, as luck would have it someone I was with today had a little point-and-shoot and offered to let me use it. Admittedly nothing fancy but I thought hey it’s better than nothing :)

School's Out

I like to be able to take pictures of what I’ve see, just so I can always remember where I’ve been – even if it was only across town.

Some of My Today

The weather was pretty agreeable for most of the day, so after dinner this evening I decided to take a short walk. I took off down the road just planning to walk around for a bit. As soon as I got to the end of my street, past the buildings and trees, I got sight of the evening sky, and went flying back to my house to grab my camera. My glasses nearly fell off my face as I ran back the way I’d come.

Some of My Today by Karissa Cole 1

Naturally the photographs I took don’t do the scene justice. I wish I could’ve stayed out there and just watched the sky. The grandness of it is pretty calming. But I was actually standing on a pretty busy street, cars whipping by me faster than they ought, so I didn’t get to stick around. I did snap as many shots as I could though. I’m such a sucker for the sky.

Some of My Today by Karissa Cole 2 Some of My Today by Karissa Cole 4

I admittedly don’t much like the evenings; I’m definitely an afternoon person – if only 3:00 could last longer. But I still gotta love the way the sunset looks :)

Some of My Today by Karissa Cole 5


My Week in Review

In hindsight I realize that deciding to make a full week’s worth of posts all in one was not my brightest idea ever..It’s not my dumbest idea, but it’d be on that list somewhere.

Alrighty. So, last week marked the first official day of my summer, as far as I’m concerned; Thursday, the 15th, was the last day of work for the spring semester @ school (for me anyway).  I have to say, I am ready to greet the summer (which I do realize doesn’t actually start ’til 6/21) with open arms. Tilting my face back toward the sun, enjoying the warm air, being surrounded by lush trees and greenery is something I have discovered I quite love. Of course, it would be easier for me to enjoy the warmth and the sun if, you know, it actually was warm and sunny. But the gloomy-ish weather isn’t getting me down (much). Besides, it certainly is warm. Topped near 80° today, I think.

Anyway. I had all last week off and I set out to enjoy it. I recently bought a new camera and I’ve been fussing around with it a bit. Eventually I’m sure I’ll cave and actually read the manual. But that day is far off. For now I’m content to just press buttons and see what happens. Which is pretty much what I did all during my week off, as you shall soon see.

Saturday, last weekend, turned into a pretty nice day outside. At first it was dark and overcast in the morning, but by 3:00 it was warm and sunny (yay!). I needed to take a break from the computer junk I was working with, so I went for a walk. Naturally I took my camera:

Saturday walk by Karissa Cole 2014

And, okay, I know this next pic is only a weed, BUT I THOUGHT IT LOOKED COOL:

Wicked weed Karissa Cole photos 2014

I did, though, get the chance to try photographing some legitimate flora. During the week, I was helping my mum do some work in her (rather expansive) garden. I’m really no gardener -I can tell you what color a flower is, but that’s about the extent of my knowledge and capability when it comes to plants- so I was just there to move the gigantic bags of red mulch for her, and sneak a few quick shots of the surrounding-calming- trees and whatnot afterwards.

Tree 1 by Karissa Cole 2014Outside Niceness Karissa Cole 2014

I think it was yesterday, the clouds just looked so awesome. I tried taking some photos of the sky, but, what can I say, I’m still so amateur:

Look Up by Karissa Cole 2014

I was looking straight up, so in the photo on the right you can see a bit of telephone wire and pine tree. Ooops.

At one point, when I was at my mum’s garden, she encountered a little frog (which, I quote “scared the bejeebers” out of her). She called me over so I could try taking a few photos. It’s not something I get to see everyday. He (or she, I don’t know how you tell…) was pretty cool! While lying on the ground trying to snap shots, I found myself really wishing I had read that new camera manual…:

Frog Karissa Cole 2014 ea1701

So all these shots were just taken at my folks’ house. I’m still really excited to go on a real trip of my own, to a small state park, where I can enjoy more of this kind of thing. I was at this park once before, when I was sixteen or so. There were so many flowers of all kinds of colors and variety, winding trees like something out of a fairy tale, frogs, hummingbirds, a large lake, trails…I hope it’s all still as great as I remember. I am so looking forward to being somewhere NEW, I can’t even tell  you.

Other exploits of mine last week include shopping, hanging with some friends, and other general un-artsy things that I’d prefer to write about. I did, though, get the opportunity to use my cat as a wonderful test subject for more photography. One warm evening I caught him like this on my bed:

I LOVE THIS CAT ea1701 2014

I tell you, this is one of the most irritating (nonhuman)  creatures that I have ever encountered. Just earlier today while I was working, apparently not paying enough attention to him, he jumped onto the back of my desk chair, and started playing with my hair. And by playing I mean whacking, attacking, and licking. He also, somehow, learned how to use those big mutant paws of his to tap me on the shoulder when he wants attention. He’ll stand on this back paws, reach up, and tap my arm until I pet him. He drives me mad sometimes, BUT HE’S JUST SO CUTE. Seriously, I love this cat. But I digress.

These photos of my baby man (yes, that is what I call my cat) actually printed out pretty nice so they went right in my photo journal. Which brings me to one of the other things I’ve been doing during my week off, besides playing with my camera: SMASHING. I mentioned before that I picked up papercrafting and journaling as a hobby about a year ago. It’s a nice tactile creative outlet. I did up three new pages in my book during last week.

This one is my favorite thus far:

Summer SMASH page

In a sunny mood, I went through all the photos I’ve got just sitting around in my memory box and decided to give this one here a better home. I took this flower shot last year right around now, actually. Thought it was a nice way to help kick off my own personal first week of summer.

SO. That’s where I’m at now. I feel a bit lopsided, mainly blogging silly photo posts. I haven’t done much drawing, crocheting, or digital art lately. But I can’t seem to help it. For the most part the weather’s just been too inviting to spend the day inside toiling on the computer or whatever. Hmm. Maybe I should take a sketchbook or some yarn with me next time I go for a walk…

Who knows what this upcoming summer has in store :)

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