Posts Tagged ‘ celestial art ’

Reaching Out For


Reaching Out mini draft 1 by Karissa Cole 2014

I actually had a spare moment on the computer tonight so decided to give this a whirl. I am sooo out of practice. Spoot.

Long Distance

Somehow, despite all the crazy scheduling of extra hours and rearranging tutor dates that inevitably comes with the end of the semester, I ended up with a free minute or two yesterday afternoon and decided to spend it in Photoshop. It’s always nice to get back to that. This really didn’t turn out like I had planned, but then, when do they ever?

"Long Distance" by Karissa Cole 2014

I think I quite like it.

On a completely unrelated note, last night I dreamed about Fifth and Sam Carter from Stargate SG-1 and am now dying to watch Unnatural Selection and Gemini. Honest, the last thing I thought about before bed was “I should make tea tomorrow” and somehow that turned into a bout of scifi dreaming. Not mad.


Occasionally I just get this surge of I MUST CREATE SOMETHING and I manage to sit down and do something I enjoy. This happened last week when I made this:

Intensity by ea1701 2014

Through the fog of still being in dire need of deep sleep I sat down Saturday or Sunday last weekend and made a spacescape, one of my first loves. I think it came out pretty nice. And as always, it felt nice to do something creative.


Calm Me

Calm Me by Karissa Cole 2014

My mission was to create an image that I thought of as peaceful, calming. The base of this piece is a photo of a Rock Beach Gorge from Lee Orr’s stock collection on deviantART. It morphed considerably from there. The original size is 2250 x 3225. It looks much better and has a lot less distortion than this wee version I’ve noticed…

Infrequently do I attempt terrapsace style art. Over the past four years this is probably my third try. Naturally it’s not a well honed skill of mine, yet. This one ended up having a painterly kind of look, I think (not that that’s necessarily a bad thing). There are some parts of this picture that I think came out pretty good. And at least the idea is a good one, IMO :)

It looks quiet here. It looks like there would be no one around, and I could just sit in the sand or on a flat rock and watch the sky. That to me sounds infinitely peaceful.

Upside down

I’m going to be vague and ramble a wee bit, and then I’m going to talk about pretty dolphins. Alrighty? OK. Let’s go.

It’s kind of amazing, how little sleep a person can get and still function. I have to admit though, one more night of no REM sleep and I may just lose it. Although, some might argue I’ve lost it already . . .

Sitting here I was wondering how I should really start this post (useless prattle above notwithstanding). It’s been so long. I said to myself, “I don’t even know where to begin.” I’m sure I’m not the only one who talks to herself; I mean, we’ve all got some kind of internal dialogue going on. So I was staring into space trying to wade through my thoughts and ideas, asking myself where to start, when that little inside voice sprang up and said: “Just begin at the beginning, because if you begin at the end and end at the beginning it would be hard to get anything done just right.”  Usually the silent back and forth in my head is relegated to some kind of sarcastic commentary or a weighing of pros and cons for some sort of decision. But this time I seemed to have come up with some actually decent advice. So, I’ll try to follow it:

Basically, 2013 was my own personal year of hell. Don’t get me wrong. There were some highlights and I haven’t forgotten them. But for the most part those 12 months saw my descent into madness. Almost literally. My posts have been few and far between lately. My last entry was from December 10th, 2013. I almost can’t believe nearly two months have gone by since then. And since then a lot has happened, not all of it good. In December, on the 31st, the insanity and dread of my life seemed to peak. Since that day my life’s been even more upside down than ever before. But I’m told we’re on the right track to make my life better now. I have to admit I have mixed feelings about this, but I couldn’t even being to explain why or what I mean. In fact, what exactly’s been going on with me isn’t all that important. I just wanted to explain that my actions of late are simply the result of a plot twist my story has apparently taken. That’s all. I haven’t dropped off the face of the planet, I haven’t stopped my endeavors. Life just ended up taking a turn I never planned on and navigating it has taken up all of my time. I haven’t been diagnosed with any kind of terminal physical ailment or anything (in fact, I am in fabulous shape..mostly). But sometimes, often, I would have preferred physical pain to what I was going through. Strange how life works. Things really do never seem to turn out like you expect. Reality sometimes jumps up seemingly out of nowhere, presenting itself suddenly and surprisingly, leaving you stunned for a while as you try to reconcile what you thought with what is. I still feel a bit like a deer caught in oncoming headlights when it comes to the recent unveiling of my own reality. But I’m wading through all the new things I’ve had thrust at me. Getting your bearings after having been turned completely upside is not all that easy.

In all this I’ve been a bit of a ghost. Floating around here and there, haunting some places but never staying around long enough for anyone to be completely sure they’ve seen me. I have to relearn how to do almost everything. I have to relearn how to be. . . me.

So. Here I am, upside down. Despite this it seems as though some tiny fraction of the creative person I used to be has clung on this whole time, and I have actually been getting a few things accomplished. (Here’s where the pretty dolphins come in.)

Admittedly I haven’t been doing too much. At least that how it feels. But I have been able to take a few photos recently. I always enjoy that. Only, there’s not too much to photograph around town here. Winter really kind of sucks. Thankfully I had a tiny break from this harsh season. It’s all kind of a blur now, but about two weeks ago I took off for a short vacation. Here at home the weather’s simply heinous: no sun, no warmth, the ground’s so dry, covered in dirty, depressing snow. So it was good to be able to visit a place with sunshine, blue skies, and green grass. I really miss the vibrancy of summer time. It was nice to get away, feel the warm sun, breath the fresh, warm air.

I’ve always had an affinity for jut about any kind of animal. There’s just something about them that touches me to my core I think. I can’t help but respect them and admire them. I got to see some pretty awesome animals while I was gone. I could have spent hours more watching and learning about them. Dolphins, cownose rays, beluga whales, manatees…they all amaze me. And there’s something uniquely calming about watching these creatures.

Dolphins photograph copyright 2014 Karissa Cole all rights reservedSet of 3 Photographs copyright Karissa Cole 2014 all rights reservedTurtle copyright 2014 Karissa Cole all rights reserved

It rained just once while I was away. I managed to  escape the downpour just in time, and then got to enjoy sights like this once the sun returned:

After the Rain by Karissa Cole 2014 all right reserved

I even got up close with some penguins one day during my trip- a definite first for me. How cool is that?

Penguins 1 by Karissa Cole 2014 all rights reserved Penguins photograph 2 by Karissa Cole 2014 all rights reserved Penguins photograph 3 by Karissa Cole 2014 all rights reserved

I’ve never really thought of penguins looking all that huggable until I took this last picture. Does not this penguin just look uber cute and squishy? Not that I’d ever squish a penguin of course…HE’S JUST SO CUTE.

I also learned the difference between king and emperor penguins. I’m not sure how I managed to get through twenty-three years of life not knowing the difference. Not that it comes up in everyday conversation all that frequently I guess. . .

King penguins are pretty copyright Karissa Cole 2014

King penguins are smaller than emperors (this I knew) but they also have a bit stronger orange coloring. I think they’re gorgeous.

Aside from a few vacation-related photographs, I dabbled a bit in making some celestial art again. I came up with these two pieces on the same day (and then promptly forgot about them when I encountered the wonder that is  room full of adorable penguins.)

Granting Wishes  by Karissa Cole 2014It Is Later by Karissa Cole 2014

They’re not much. I’ve plateaued a bit in that area. Temporarily of course. But still.

I’ve also (as of last summer, actually) taken up SMASHing as a hobby. I honestly can’t remember if I’ve really written about it around here before, but it’s just a nice little way to preserve some thoughts and things. Every now and then when I feel crafty I sit down and make up a page or two. I’ve designed my own book (I’m so darn DIY) that I should try to take a decent photo of sometimes as it’s actually pretty awesome. There are just a few pages in my me-book so far, but I’m in no rush. I’ve just started smashing things from my trip, which promises to be fun.

Smash Pages (1) by Karissa ColeSmash Pages (3) by Karissa ColeSmash Pages (2) by Karissa Cole

Let’s see, what else have I been up to…Oh, I got a really cute new haircut a couple of weeks ago. Of course this has nothing to do with art or design so moving on. . .

Okay, last, but not least, I’ve been working on a new yarn-related project. Squee. I don’t want to give anything away, but here’s a sneak peak:

sneak peak

I’ll hint you this: I fell in love with this awesome creature thanks to my out of town trip visiting some stunning aquatic creatures last month. Also, I’ve named this amigurumi “Spud.” I let you figure out what it might be. . . So, if you’re in the market for a cute new amigurumi pattern of mine keep an eye out for the next couple of posts around here.  If all goes well I’ll be sharing some new cuties. Granted, I have started work up again, new semester and all, so there goes the free time I had had. But, I guess that’s life. In spite of my upside down very topsy-turvy life I’m managing to trudge along doing things when I can. That’s all anyone can ask for I guess.

Okay. Ciao you awesome people.

PS. I have not proofread this post. This will undoubtedly come back to haunt me. I’m too tired to care.

Spaced Out Blue Period

I legitimately did not realize it was November until I previewed this mini-blog post and saw the date in the upper left corner. I can’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if I had waited until tomorrow, or next week to kill some time in Photoshop by making these two simple celestial-themed wallpapers and then posting them here. I mean, it might’ve been weeks before I realized the month had passed. Given my state of mind, it would not surprise me much..

ea1701 practice space 3

ea1701 practice space 4

I am supremely tired, and in one of those I-wish-I-could-fall-asleep-and-never-wake-up kind of moods.  But every time I close my eyes my brain goes into overdrive. I can’t even get to sleep. So, I thought I’d blog.  I’ve got to do something, and I’m too tired to do anything else.

Here are some other quick ‘scapes I’ve done up over the past couple of days:

ea1701 practice space 1 ea1701 practice space 2 Practice by Karissa Cole 3 2013

This one is a free PSD download. Click the image to be directed to deviantART.

This one is a free PSD download. Click the image to be directed to deviantART.

I’ve gotten myself into the habit of using really saturated, over the top colors in my pieces (as you can plainly see). The two pieces I made today, at the top of this post, are a bit less gaudy.  I like ’em, and I want to try to get back into that style. I would also like some banana pancakes. We shall see which of these goals I am able to meet first.


Set the Clocks

Hello lovelies ♥

I’m feeling remarkably un-witty at present (although I do feel a bit warm and fuzzy, clearly). Normally I’d try to come up with some sort of snappy comment to introduce this latest piece but… yeah, I got nothing. So…

Set the Clocks by Karissa Cole 2013

“Set the Clocks” – my most recent celestial ‘scape. Earlier this morning I had a free hour (thank you insomnia) and I figured, since I haven’t done too much space art lately (thanks to digital art thieves taking my work and distributing it without my consent), well I thought I ought to get my feet wet again. I think I like how it came out. It might be low on pizzazz, but, I’m thinking it still works.

My work from earlier this year, “The State of Dreaming” was graciously featured as a Daily Deviation the other day, on deviantART (to my great surprise), and it’s kind of spurred me to continue dabbling in the art.

The State of Dreaming by Karissa Cole 2013

Sometimes I look at my digital work and I just can’t believe anyone out there actually likes it. But then I try to remind myself there’s no point in questioning a good thing, no matter how nonsensical it might be :)

Anyway, it’s probably safe to say I’ve got my head in the clouds today…or, mayhaps… in space…

Watching Whispers Unravel

Watching Whispers Unravel

It occurs to me I should’ve been in bed two hours ago..I’m so tired I’m starting to see things. So I should keep this post simple: I made a new speed-spacescape. End of story.

Good night :)

Positive Vibe

Look! Pretty things! Well, it’s just one thing. And I suppose some may not find it pretty. But, at the moment, I like it. Although admittedly something about the planet doesn’t sit well with me… Anyway. “Positive Vibe”, so called because I think that’s what it has:

positive Vibe by Karissa Cole 2013

“Positive Vibe” by Karissa Cole 2013

It’s certainly been a while since I’ve done this. I mean, I haven’t done too much digital art lately. I fall into slumps a lot, it seems. Although, I did this weekend throw this poster together. I may tweak it though, and perhaps mess around with a few other ideas that fit that theme and make a post about them here…In any case, it’s a bit like falling off a log, making spacescapes, working digitally. Pretty easy to do, even if you haven’t done it recently, although it might not always be too graceful. Practice makes progress and all that, though :)


I have been feeling freakishly prolific lately. Hunkered down in my fortress of awesomeness, living off Junior Mints, white tea, and lots of rad music, I’ve been so completely absorbed in my various projects, I might as well be in another dimension.

Sweet, right?

Most recently I’ve done up a trio of spacescapes. They’ve all been uploaded to my gallery on devaintART, but I am admittedly, possibly insufferably, pleased with these pieces at the moment, so I thought I’d share them here too, along with the layer breakdowns. Each of the breakdowns can be viewed full-size, just click the image. They’re not walkthroughs, exactly, as the process behind things I make is actually pretty darn haphazard. I add and delete layers completely randomly until I come up with something I like. So the breakdowns just give a basic idea of what elements make up the final piece. I thought it’d be kind of cool to show them as well, instead of just throwing up a finished design. Who knows, maybe they’ll even be helpful to some other artist out there or something.

So first up, I created “Marvel”. I had just watched, like, six Marvel movies in the past week before making this particular ‘scape. One of them was playing in the background when I was trying to come up a name for this piece…I think you see where I’m going with this…

Marvel layer breakdown by Karissa Cole ea1701 2013

The day after finishing “Marvel,” I dove right into created this next piece, “I Drop Gems”. Named after “I Drop Gems” by _ensnare_. There really are no words apt enough to describe how awesome this song is. Seriously, if this is your bag, check it out. You may very well fall in love. Don’t judge right away, though. Let it’s awesomeness build up and surround you first.

Besides being named after one of my favorite pieces of music, this work of mine is inspired by eatenwaffle, who I wish had more videos. (You can find eatenwaffle under a different name on deviantART.) There’s not too much of it, but this artist’s work is really stunning. I definitely recommend checking it out if you have the time.

So, here’s the breakdown of my “I Drop Gems”:

I Drop Gems layer breakdown by Karissa Cole ea1701 2013

Finally, after finishing “I Drop Gems,” I thought to myself I should really do a third piece, as three seemed like a nice round number of new designs, so I got to work on “Dreamscape”:

Dreamscape layer breakdown by Karissa Cole ea1701 2013
Of all the ways I could think of to spend three days, traversing the galaxy without even having to change out of my pajamas isn’t all that bad an option.

Love, imagine, create, scrap, live.

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